This Issue's Topics

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Automate Payroll And HR Tasks
To Save Time, Resources, And Money

Payroll and HR tasks are some of the most time and paper consuming tasks in any organization. Automating payroll and HR functions can go a long way toward lowering your administrative overhead costs and helping you reduce paper consumption. To automate payroll requires integrating a number of different elements including: time and attendance, payroll functions, HR tasks...Read More

For Your Information

According to a survey of 1,200 adults sponsored by the Center for State and Local Government Excellence, 84% said...Read More

Employee Training Is Good For Your Business

You know a well-trained workforce is good for business, but it might be even better than you think. Hackett Benchmarking and Research, a firm that tracks best practices in HR and finance, reports that companies that spend comparatively more on training have a higher internal placement rate that reduces recruiting costs. In addition...Read More

In The Spotlight: Protect Your Data

Business depends on technology. You would find it very difficult to operate without your company's servers, workstations, laptop computers, peripherals, and the important data stored within that technology. When something is this valuable, it makes sense to invest in its security. Your technology is vulnerable to...Read More

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